
Prices are all inclusive, no extra charges or fees . All prices quoted below are for the year.

Independent escorts:
Independent escorts can have up to 12 pages and the cost is

Independent Masseuse:
Independent masseuses up to 12 pages and the cost is

Massage Parlour:
A massage parlour can have up to 15 ladies listed and the cost is

Escort Agencies:
Most starter agencies have under 30 escorts and for that we charge

If you are an exceptionally large agency with 31 to 60 escorts then the price is
£350 due to all the extra work involved.

Massage Agency:
A massage agency is similar to an Escort Agency where the ladies specialise in massage.  Each lady would have there own page with pictures etc and as such the prices would be the same as for an Escort Agency.

£250 for up to 30 ladies,
£350 for 31-60 ladies.

Don't worry if you don't fit into any of the boxes above just give us a call and we will let you know how much it will cost for what you want to do.

All the above packages have all the following included in the price. There are no additional or hidden costs

• Domain name registration

• Web hosting costs

• Unique design

• Banners of any size

• Banner exchanges

• Free directory advertising

• Mobile Friendly website

• Up to 5 email addresses

• Watermarking on all pictures

• Contact form (optional)

• Booking form (optional)

• Recruitment form (optional)

• SEO optimised pages

• Photo retouching, resizing

• Face or eyes blurred

Free updates, additions & changes, throughout the year with everything fully tested and optimised on PCs, Laptops, iPads and mobile phones.


How do we keep our prices
so low?

With over 20 years designing escort/massage websites we know what's needed and how to do things quickly and correctly the first time.

A lot of escort website designers try to charge ridiculously high prices for the work involved or will attempt to rip you off for any changes you want done after your website is built.  

Don't fall into that trap.  With today's technology a good website no longer needs to be an expensive one, especially in the escort industry where a lot of people are unfortunately just out to swindle you.  
